Liam Symes
Artists Profile

About Liam Symes
Liam Symes is currently based in the South West of England. Symes began developing his artistic ideas during his studies and further expanded his knowledge and inspiration by engaging with other artists, particularly contemporary painters.
After completing his degree in Fine Art in 2013, Symes made the decision to continue his artistic practice. His primary focus has been on exploring themes that evoke concepts of memory, isolation, and serenity. These themes are recurring elements in his work and serve as a foundation for his artistic expression.
Symes employs various techniques and approaches to bring these themes to life on canvas. His work may involve the use of color, texture, composition, and other visual elements to create a mood or atmosphere that resonates with the viewer.
BA Honours Fine art-2013
National Diploma Art and Design -2010
2023 - Artrepreneuar winner of 1st page open call
2019 - Art Cornwall online- exhibition review.
2019- Plymouth Contemporary catalogue- Brief Biography
2018- Taunton University- Lecture
2018- Wall street international magazine (WSI mag) -Q&A
2016- Made in Plymouth Magazine (issue 4) -Front and back page.
2023 - Solo Show - Ephemeral Exposures - Karst Under
2022 - Group show - Karst under
2021- Solo pop up show-Minerva Cafe
2019- Gestalt -The Pipe Gallery
2019- Visions, Plymouth Contemporary -Peninsula Arts.
2018 - Exercise and Health , Solo exhibition - The pipe Gallery.
2018- Solo exhibition -Exeter Phoenix Cafe Bar .
2018- Grow, Plymouth Young contemporary open exhibition, 1st place prize winner- Radiant Gallery.
2017- To anybody and to everybody - The Pipe Gallery.
2016- In the frame, Young People's Portrait Competition, 1st place prize winner - Plymouth museum.
2015- Postgraduate Exhibition-Plymouth council house.
2015- Summer exhibition - Plymouth Art college.
2013- Spaces , U: 1 Artist collective group exhibition - The Pipe gallery.
2012- Summer exhibition- Plymouth Art college.